viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Italia condenada por defender el chocolate puro

El Tribunal de Justicia de la UE ha fallado contra Italia, por querer mantener la denominación ‘chocolate puro’, para el que está hecho sólo con manteca de cacao.

La sentencia deja un gusto amargo.

“En los grandes chocolates artesanales como el Modicano, uno de mis favoritos, notamos la calidad, estamos tranquilos, cada detalle está en la etiqueta” dice un joven italiano. “El sabor es más intenso cuando hay cacao puro y materias grasas naturales. Se nota la diferencia” comenta otro transeúnte.

Italia ha sido condenada por negarse a aplicar la directiva europea que permite usar hasta un 5 por ciento de grasas vegetales no provenientes del cacao en la elaboración del chocolate.

Según la sentencia la mención chocolate puro es contraria al sistema de denominaciones de la UE.

Italia deberá acatar la sentencia y adaptar el etiquetado o podría enfrentarse a importantes sanciones.
Copyright © 2010 euronews

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

DJ Ivory Coast November 1-7 Average Cocoa Price XOF870/kg - BCC
11/10/10 10:59:10 EST
ABIDJAN (Dow Jones)--The average price paid for one kilogram of cocoa beans
at Ivory Coast's farm gates in the period Nov. 1-7 was 870 CFA francs [$1.82],
up on the XOF850/kg the previous week, according to data published by the BCC
Coffee and Cocoa Marketing Body Wednesday.

The highest price paid in the period was XOF950/kg, the lowest price was

"If you can make it to the town, the price is XOF950/kg, up from the
XOF750/kg we had recently, but in the bush you get XOF800-850/kg", said Jonas
M'Bra, a cocoa farmer in the Daloa region.

"I think buyers are using the elections as an excuse as we wait for the
second round," he said. "No-one was buying in the days after the election and
around that time the prices increased."

Ivory Coast is currently preparing for a second round presidential run-off
between current president Laurent Gbagbo and former International Monetary Fund
deputy managing director Alassane Ouattara, scheduled for Nov. 28.

Concern about violence and looting tied to electoral disputes has reduced
cocoa trading as buyers don't want to be caught with lots of stock on their

"There are a lot beans to be bought, but buyers seem to be concentrating on
emptying their warehouses", said Blaise Ouraga, a cocoa farmer in the San Pedro

"In the bush, the price is fairly static," he said. "Prices have improved
slightly in the port, but the state of the bush roads at the moment is terrible
and that means farmers are getting a lower price."

Continuing rains provide good conditions for the cocoa trees, but have
waterlogged the earth tracks used to bring cocoa from the smallholder farms.

Follows a table of average prices paid by region.

All prices below are in CFA francs a kilogram ($1=XOF460.4).
Regions Nov. 1-7 Oct. 25-31
Abengourou 915 n/a
Aboisso n/a 815
Adiake n/a n/a
Adzope n/a 915
Agboville n/a 865
Akoupe 905 905
Alepe n/a 850
Bongouanou 890 890
Daloa 820 n/a
Daoukro 850 865
Dimbokro n/a n/a
Divo n/a n/a
Gagnoa 800 825
Grand Bassam n/a 840
Issia n/a n/a
San Pedro 835 n/a
Sassandra n/a n/a
Sinfra n/a n/a
Soubre n/a 845
Tiapoum n/a n/a
Toumodi n/a 850
Vavoua n/a n/a

The average price paid at the exporters' and cocoa processors' gates in
the southwestern port of San Pedro was XOF930/kg.

Local processors pay the highest prices: up to XOF970/kg for top quality
beans. The lowest price paid was XOF900/kg.

Prices at the ports for the previous week weren't published.

The greater Daloa region [includes Bouafle, Issia, Vavoua, Zuenoula and
Seguela] is the country's main cocoa-growing region with an annual production
of over 300,000 metric tons.

The Soubre region produces 140,000 tons on the average, San Pedro 110,000

Gagnoa [including Sinfra and Oume] and Man [including Bangolo, Duekoue,
Guiglo, Danane, Biankouma and Toulepleu] produce well over 150,000 tons each.

The Divo region [with Lakota] produces 110,000 tons a year.

The Sinfra area produces around 50,000 tons of beans a season, Sassandra some
20,000 tons.

The Aboisso and Adzope growing areas produce around 30,000 tons each, the
Bongouanou and Agboville areas around 15,000 tons each.

Grand-Bassam is part of the Abidjan area which produces around 20,000 tons.

Farmers around Daoukro produce some 3,500 tons of cocoa beans annually, the
Toumodi area produces around 4,000 tons.